The short film, Limbo, directed by Krisstian de Lara, hits the video platform Vimeo On Demand this month for a limited time. Limbo tells the story of Susana, a woman who’s fed up with the monotone relationship she has with her husband. As she explores the beautiful city of Alicante, Spain, she finds hope from a one night stand. Krisstian elaborates how Spain’s architecture influenced the story and how important it was to him to validate Susana’s thoughts in the Official Limbo interview, watch the full interview here. Additionally, Alison Vande Bunte, writer of Limbo, expresses how special it was to her to write this story and tell it through a woman’s perspective in her Official Limbo interview, learn more here.
Limbo has become the official selection of various film festivals including Plaza Classic Film Festival in El Paso, Texas and Hispanicize in Miami, Florida but it will be the first time to become available on the Vimeo renting platform. The digital Video on Demand platform reaches a total of 100 million viewers each month across the globe. The rental comes with a 48 hour streaming period to watch on your phone, tablet, computer or TV and can be purchased using any credit or debit card and even Paypal.
Watch the trailer and film below or click here to watch it on Vimeo On Demand.
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More about Limbo: Limbo Opens Hispanicize in Miami | Limbo Premieres in Texas