El Chácharero

Want to watch the film? 👉 Click here. Related articles: Krisstian de Lara Launches Documentary Trilogy On New Platform Krisstian de Lara Gets Invited to Univision Post El Chácharero’s Premiere El Chácharero’s director gets featured on El Diario de Juarez front page Director Krisstian de Lara speaks about El Chácharero’s premiere Producer Uriel Venegas speaks about El…

El Chacharero Teaser 2

The second sneak peek of the third installment from the trilogy of documentaries that showcase the most shocking lives from the Juarez-El Paso border.

El Chacharero Teaser

A sneak peek of the third installment from the trilogy of documentaries that showcase the most shocking lives from the border community of Juarez-El Paso.